There is an application 2019127969 RU. But the disadvantage is the disclosure of the protection mechanism, since banks have their own protection mechanisms and software. Another application No. 2021108302 received an expert opinion that the proposed methodology is the economic activity of banks. But the Federal Law "On Economic Activity" says that in order to carry out economic activity, it is necessary to own an object of economic activity. That is, as long as the subject does not have the right to own any object, and in this case the object is the intellectual property of the author, then without the consent of the author, banks cannot use the object in their economic activities.
The author continues to improve the way to ensure that ordinary people do not suffer from the criminal activities of dishonest people. And, of course, he hopes that this problem will be solved safely. The author will also be glad that his modest work will be used for the benefit of people.
As a rule, banks are commercial structures and sell their services. To do their job, they need certain tools, namely software. For phys. and legal entities use payment cards, and these cards are the property of the bank. The bank's client only temporarily owns them and, after the expiration of the prescribed period and in case of continued cooperation, replaces them with others. At the request of phys. persons the bank enters into a contract with him — an agreement. Based on the agreement, the bank transmits information about the account and payment card and registers on the bank's server.
After that, the cardholder can independently activate the card through an ATM, an application or with the help of a bank manager, replace the PIN code key and then perform the necessary operations: make payments or withdrawals, transfer money to a bank card.
When applying the "Method of protection when making payments through mobile applications of banks", the control scheme changes.At the usual conclusion of the contract, the client usually receives one payment card. It can be a debit or credit card. But in our case, the number of bank cards varies.
- The client receives three electronic cards divided into blocks, usually having their own PIN numbers — the main keys. These are the main, operational-transit and working cards.
- Each card has its own task to ensure the protection of client capital from fraud.
- The client, the cardholder, together with the cards receives instructions on how to use them, studies how the system works and downloads the mobile application of the bank with which he has concluded an agreement.
- Opening the mobile application, he registers and activates all his cards. The cards can be either plastic or virtual, as a rule, the working one can be both.
What does the bank win in this case, and what does the client win compared to the scheme that is used in the bank's services scheme today?Today, modern technologies are used in order to obtain benefits — profit.
The Bank will be freed from the unnecessary burden and pressure associated with participating in lawsuits as a party affected by fraud. The newly applied technological process will free banks from the constant need to be in a state of anxiety and keep a large number of employees in this regard, software and technical loads will decrease, because now the bank will not need to control operations independently carried out by the client. The bank delegates this function to the cardholder. There will be no need to make phone calls and send SMS messages to the client.
What will the bank 's client get from the use of the new technology ?- The client will know that the bank's employees will not call him or send SMS messages, and if such a need arises, he himself will need to contact the bank.
- There will be no reason for the bank to detain its money or to detain any transactions. As a rule, it is recommended not to keep money in payment cards, so unspent funds are returned back through the operating-transit card to the main card and then to the bank account for further storage.
- Now the bank's client will independently plan his expenses, when and where it is necessary to spend or transfer funds, pay or perform other financial transactions using a work card that has the ability to use all existing achievements in the field of banking: work on Android, use QR, etc.
The affected party in this case will be fraudsters, because it will be possible to get all the card numbers and all the PIN codes of the cards using either direct violence or "hypnosis". But that's another story:)
Those insignificant sums of money of temporary balances on the work card "will not excite the appetite of scammers." And for the sake of this money, they will not have the desire to commit illegal actions using complex or expensive schemes committed by individual fraudsters or organized criminal groups